Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sort php multidimensional array by sub-value

I have this array

[data] => Array
[0] => Array

[id] => 1293005125
[viewed] => TRUE
[active] => TRUE
[time] => December 22, 2010 13:00 hours
[timestamp] => 1293006034
[initial_timestamp] => 1293005125
[user] => administrator

[1] => Array

[mid] => 1293001908
[viewed] => TRUE
[active] => TRUE
[time] => December 22, 2010 13:00 hours
[timestamp] => 1293001908
[initial_timestamp] => 1293001908
[user] => administrator

[2] => Array

[mid] => 1293009999
[viewed] => TRUE
[active] => TRUE
[time] => December 22, 2010 13:00 hours
[timestamp] => 1293009999
[initial_timestamp] => 1293009999
[user] => administrator

[3] => Array

[mid] => 1293006666
[viewed] => TRUE
[active] => TRUE
[time] => December 22, 2010 13:00 hours
[timestamp] => 1293006666
[initial_timestamp] => 1293006666
[user] => administrator

[4] => Array

[mid] => 1293005125
[viewed] => TRUE
[active] => TRUE
[time] => December 22, 2010 13:00 hours
[timestamp] => 1293006125
[initial_timestamp] => 1293005125
[user] => administrator2


Now I would like to sort this array by [mid]
How do I do this?

Currently I sort this in a foreach loop
There has to be a better way

I hoped to output something like

[mid] key => array value



You can use the usort function.

function cmp($a, $b) {
return $a["mid"] - $b["mid"];
usort($arr, "cmp");

See it

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