Saturday, March 10, 2018

.NET, Java to JavaScript compiler

I am interested to create a drag-and-drop layout designer using only JavaScript, HTML and CSS. The designer will allow the user to drag the page elements from one place to another (something like Blogger's layout designer) to create a site layout. But I don't want to hand code everything in JavaScript, I would prefer to write my application in .NET (preferably) or Java and rely on a compiler to compile it to JavaScript and HTML.

What are the .NET or Java to JavaScript compilers that you have used and can recommend? For Java to JavaScript I know GWT is available. What about .NET to JavaScript? Microsoft did come out with Volta, but the project seems to be no longer available.


Look no further, you already mentioned GWT pick that!

It has a very good API and many good applications have use them.

Even JavaScript frameworks like have GWT support.

I use it for an small JavaScript calendar recently.

To be honest, I don't really like JavaScript that much. Most of the times the errors are hard to track (specially for a non JavaScript guy as me) and the workarounds included some plug-ins for the explorer just to get exactly what a compiler should do. Catch silly error early.

In the other hand I'm very familiar with the Java Programming language, and many of the libraries (if not the most important) such as java.lang and java.util have been ported to GWT.

Plus, the guy who wrote relevant parts of java.util is the same behind GWT (google Joshua Bloch.)

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