Saturday, March 31, 2018

Get all html tags(parent and child tags) with id and class name with Javascript/JQuery

Does anybody knows how can I get all the HTML tags that exist in a page?

var items = document.getElementsByTagName("*");

This will get all the tags, but my requirement is

  • get a first parent tag and all the child tags under it

  • get the next parent tag and all the child tags under it and so on

I need to get the tags in a kind of tree-structure. Prefer to do that with Javascript or JQuery.

For example:

Example Page


Should Return:


  1. head->title

  2. body-->h1,(div-->table-->tr-->td,td)


document.documentElement is the root of the tree (html). You can then get all of its child elements via children (childNodes would include non-Element children), and get their descendants in document order using querySelectorAll("*"):

var results =
function(element) {
return element.querySelectorAll("*");


Live example

results will be an array with an entry for each direct child of the html element, where each element is a NodeList. If you want an array of arrays, you can use Array.from on the result of querySelectorAll (polyfilling it if necessary, as it's relatively new).

Of course there are a dozen ways to spin this. For instance, an array of objects instead:

var results =

function(element) {
return {
element: element,
descendants: Array.from(element.querySelectorAll("*"))

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