Sunday, March 18, 2018

javascript - How to "push' a new item to the middle of an array?

I just completed section1, and noticed that there isn't a method covered on how to push an item to the a specific location of the array. For example, if I wanted the array to show

var suits = ["hearts","clubs","Brooks Brothers", "diamonds","spades"]

How would I be able to push in "Brooks Brothers" into the position [2] of the array suits, and shift the rest 1 down? Is there a built-in function in javascript similar to push that would enable me to do this?

I suppose I could always, with some diffculty:

function add (item, position){
var length = suits.length;
for(i = length -1; i >= position; i--){
suits[length] = suits[i];
suits[position] = item;


add("Brooks Brothers",2) //to add it to the middle

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