I am having horrendous performance with Swift (low fps with only a few textures being drawn). In java on android I am executing the batch of code below between 30 and 40 times faster. I have some matrix math functions for opengl in a .mm file. I make use of the functions in the Matrix.mm file through Swift (bridging-header). These matrix operations appear to be running even slower than the opengl draw calls. Totally opposite from my android version. Even the opengl drawing calls seem to be around 3 to 4 times slower than android. Is there a setting that has to be enabled on the app to make it faster (turn off some hidden debug settings or something)?
Matrix.mm functions (sample)
+(void) translateM:(mFloat*) m mOffset:(int) mOffset x:(mFloat) x y:(mFloat) y z:(mFloat) z {
for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
int mi = mOffset + i;
m[12 + mi] += m[mi] * x + m[4 + mi] * y + m[8 + mi] * z;
#define I(_i, _j) ((_j)+ 4*(_i))
+(void) multiplyMM:(mFloat*) result resultOffset:(int) resultOffset lhs:(const mFloat*) lhs lhsOffset:(int) lhsOffset rhs:(const mFloat*) rhs rhsOffset:(int) rhsOffset{
result += resultOffset;
lhs += lhsOffset;
rhs += rhsOffset;
for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
const mFloat rhs_i0 = rhs[ I(i,0) ];
mFloat ri0 = lhs[ I(0,0) ] * rhs_i0;
mFloat ri1 = lhs[ I(0,1) ] * rhs_i0;
mFloat ri2 = lhs[ I(0,2) ] * rhs_i0;
mFloat ri3 = lhs[ I(0,3) ] * rhs_i0;
for (int j=1 ; j<4 ; j++) {
const mFloat rhs_ij = rhs[ I(i,j) ];
ri0 += lhs[ I(j,0) ] * rhs_ij;
ri1 += lhs[ I(j,1) ] * rhs_ij;
ri2 += lhs[ I(j,2) ] * rhs_ij;
ri3 += lhs[ I(j,3) ] * rhs_ij;
result[ I(i,0) ] = ri0;
result[ I(i,1) ] = ri1;
result[ I(i,2) ] = ri2;
result[ I(i,3) ] = ri3;
+(void) multiplyMV:(mFloat*) resultVec resultVecOffset:(int) resultVecOffset lhsMat:(const mFloat*) lhsMat lhsMatOffset:(int) lhsMatOffset rhsVec:(const mFloat*) rhsVec rhsVecOffsetint:(int) rhsVecOffset{
resultVec += resultVecOffset;
lhsMat += lhsMatOffset;
rhsVec += rhsVecOffset;
[Matrix mx4transform:rhsVec[0] y:rhsVec[1] z:rhsVec[2] w:rhsVec[3] pM:lhsMat pDest:resultVec];
+(void) setIdentityM:(mFloat*) sm smOffset:(int) smOffset {
for (int i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) {
sm[smOffset + i] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i += 5) {
sm[smOffset + i] = 1.0f;
Matrix functions being called in Swift (40 times slower than Android)
func draw(){
var s1:Double = Engine.getCurrentTimeMillis();
inPoint[2] = -1;
inPoint[3] = 1;
Matrix.setIdentityM(&mModelMatrix, smOffset: 0);
Matrix.translateM(&mModelMatrix, mOffset: 0, x: positionX, y: positionY, z: positionZ);
Matrix.rotateM(&mModelMatrix, mOffset: 0, a: angle, x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.0);
inPoint[0] = VERTEX_DATA[0];
inPoint[1] = VERTEX_DATA[1];
Matrix.multiplyMV(&outPoint, resultVecOffset: 0, lhsMat: mModelMatrix, lhsMatOffset: 0, rhsVec: inPoint, rhsVecOffsetint: 0);
rotatedPoints[0] = outPoint[0];
rotatedPoints[1] = outPoint[1];
inPoint[0] = VERTEX_DATA[4];
inPoint[1] = VERTEX_DATA[5];
Matrix.multiplyMV(&outPoint, resultVecOffset: 0, lhsMat: mModelMatrix, lhsMatOffset: 0, rhsVec: inPoint, rhsVecOffsetint: 0);
rotatedPoints[2] = outPoint[0];
rotatedPoints[3] = outPoint[1];
inPoint[0] = VERTEX_DATA[8];
inPoint[1] = VERTEX_DATA[9];
Matrix.multiplyMV(&outPoint, resultVecOffset: 0, lhsMat: mModelMatrix, lhsMatOffset: 0, rhsVec: inPoint, rhsVecOffsetint: 0);
rotatedPoints[4] = outPoint[0];
rotatedPoints[5] = outPoint[1];
inPoint[0] = VERTEX_DATA[12];
inPoint[1] = VERTEX_DATA[13];
Matrix.multiplyMV(&outPoint, resultVecOffset: 0, lhsMat: mModelMatrix, lhsMatOffset: 0, rhsVec: inPoint, rhsVecOffsetint: 0);
rotatedPoints[6] = outPoint[0];
rotatedPoints[7] = outPoint[1];
var s1End:Double = Engine.getCurrentTimeMillis() - s1;
if (isVisible()) {
Matrix.multiplyMM(&mMVPMatrix, resultOffset: 0, lhs: mViewMatrix, lhsOffset: 0, rhs: mModelMatrix, rhsOffset: 0);
Matrix.multiplyMM(&mMVPMatrix, resultOffset: 0,
lhs: mProjectionMatrix, lhsOffset: 0, rhs: mMVPMatrix, rhsOffset: 0);
var s2:Double = Engine.getCurrentTimeMillis();
ResourceManager.props.textureShaderProgram.setUniforms(mMVPMatrix, textureId: ResourceManager.getTexture(texture));
glDrawElements(GLenum(GL_TRIANGLES), GLsizei(indices.count), GLenum(GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT), indices);
var s2End = Engine.getCurrentTimeMillis() - s2;
println("Matrix: \(s1End) GL: \(s2End)" );
Sorry guys I figured it out. My app was running on debug mode. This fixed the fps right away.
Product->Scheme->Edit Sceme-> Info tab
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