Saturday, February 24, 2018

MySQL case sensitivity table name on MacOS with case insensitive file system

I have researched a lot and what I understand to make database tables name sensitive, you have to set the variable lower_case_table_names=0.

Im on osX. I did this change in my.cnf.
After that, if I run

select * from users

I get results. While if I run:

select * from Users

I get error saying table doesn't exist.

However, for a particular database, the case sensitivity doesnt affect. I can use any case I will never receive errors. Why? I could have a look at the big sql-file used to import the database and try to find out if there are specific directives to ignore case sensitivity (?).
Anyway, why you think the case sensitivity applies for all database but not the one Im interested in? One of those that does case sensitivity is InnoDB. While the one that doesnt care about this is MyIsam. Could it be the reason? Any work around in that case?

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