Wednesday, February 28, 2018

javascript - Template literal trapped in a string variable

I also had this problem sometimes when I have my labels variables in another file, and those labels should have a template literal. I this cases I usually use a workaround to simulate this behaviour (take this code as a guide :D )


export default:{
labelWithSpeudoliteral: "text to {{change}}"


    generateLiteral(s, params) {

const entries = Object.entries(params);
let sentence = s;
entries.forEach((entry) => {
const literal = `{{${entry[0]}}}`
sentence = sentence.replace(literal, entry[1]);
return sentence;

Now in my code I use this helper the following way:

console.log(generateLiteral(labels.labelWithSpeudoliteral, {'change': 'literal'})

And the result of the label should be:

text to literal

As you can see using the {{ }} symbols as marks, generateLiteral() use them and the params received to change the text value with the template literal. It is not the best way, but I hope it can help you.

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