Saturday, April 27, 2019

overriding 'virtual void ' c++ error

The following code gives me an error.

Error: overriding 'virtual void Animal::getClass()', where it says virtual void getClass() { cout << "I'm an animal" << endl; }

Error: conflicting return type specified for 'virtual int Dog::getClass()', where it says getClass(){ cout << "I'm a dog" << endl; }

Also, it says:

Class 'Dog' has virtual method 'getClass' but non-virtual destructor

#include // srand, rand

using namespace std;

class Animal{

void getFamily(){ cout << "We are animals " << endl;}

virtual void getClass() { cout << "I'm an animal" << endl; }

class Dog : public Animal{

getClass(){ cout << "I'm a dog" << endl; }


void whatClassAreYou(Animal *animal){

animal -> getClass();


int main(){

Animal *animal = new Animal;
Dog *dog = new Dog;




return 0;

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