Thursday, April 25, 2019

ios9 - iphone: didUpdateLocations not invoked when testing with the simulator

When debugging my app with the simulator, the routine didUpdateLocations is never involved. What I do:

In the simulator, I select Debug>location>Custom Location and the window with longitude and latitude pops up. When pressing ok, I would expect the didUpdateLocations to be called.

I use locMgr as a global variable in a ViewController-module:

locMgr = CLLocationManager()

and in the viewDidLoad-function includes the following sequence:

    locMgr.delegate = self
if CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .NotDetermined {

I have coded the didUpdateLocations-function as a method of my viewcontroller class. I also verified (debugger), that the requestWhenInUseAuthorization-routine is invoked during initialisation. So were is the problem, why is the didUpdateLocations protocol-routine not invoked?


dasdom solved the problem by suggesting: Why requestWhenInUseAuthorization doesn't prompt the user for access to the location?

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