Thursday, January 10, 2019

web services - HTTP GET request in kotlin

I needed an example of an HTTP GET request in kotlin. I have a database and I already did the API to go fetch the information to the server.
As a final result I need to present the API json in the android layout inside a'editText '.
suggestions? I already have this code:

fun fetchJson(){

val url = "http://localhost:8080/matematica3/naoAutomatica/get"

val request = Request.Builder().url(url).build()

val client = OkHttpClient()

client.newCall(request).enqueue(object : Callback {

override fun onResponse(call: Call?, response: Response?) {
val body = response?.body()?.string()


override fun onFailure(call: Call?, e: IOException?) {




Create an EditText member variable so that you can then access it in your Callback functions


var editText: EditText? = null

initialize this in the onCreate of your activity

editText = findViewById(

the set text in your call back like so

client.newCall(request).enqueue(object : Callback {
override fun onFailure(call: Call?, e: IOException?) {

override fun onResponse(call: Call?, response: Response?) {
val body = response?.body()?.string()

editText?.text = "${body.toString()}" \\ or whatever else you wanna set on the edit text

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