Tuesday, January 8, 2019

C++ Update Object attributes using set function

I'm writing a bookshop program. The program stores a number of books with their associated values (title, price, isbn, author) in a vector. One of the functions I'm trying to write is to search the vector by isbn and update the values of whichever book matches. Here is my code

void UpdateOnIsbn(vector  booklist)

string searchisbn;
char response;
string booktitle;
string author;
double price;
string ISBN;

cout << "Please enter an ISBN to be searched: ";
cin >> searchisbn;

for (int i = 0; i < booklist.size(); i++)
if (booklist[i].HasISBN(searchisbn))

cout << "Would you like to update the details of this book? (Y/N): ";
cin >> response;

if (response != 'n' && response != 'N')


cout << endl << "Please Enter New Title for book: ";
cin >> booktitle;

cout << endl << "Please Enter New Author ";
cin >> author;

cout << endl << "Please Enter New Price ";
cin >> price;

cout << endl << "Please Enter New ISBN ";
cin >> ISBN;



The function seems to work as it looks for new values to be entered but after it runs the old values are not replaced when I display the books again. Please help

Here is an example of one of the set functions:

void CBooks::SetPrice(double NewPrice)
m_Price = NewPrice;


You need to pass booklist by reference:

void UpdateOnIsbn(vector & booklist)

Otherwise the vector is copied and only this copy is modified.

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