Wednesday, September 26, 2018

How can I use Boost::regex.hpp library in C++?

I tried to use Boost library but I failed, see my code:

#include "listy.h"
using namespace boost;

ListyCheck::ListyCheck() {


ListyCheck::~ListyCheck() {


bool ListyCheck::isValidItem(std::string &__item) {
regex e("(\\d{4}[- ]){3}\\d{4}");

return regex_match(__item, e);

When I tried to compile it I get those messages:

undefined reference to
std::allocator > >,

std::allocator > > > >,
boost::regex_traits >


undefined reference to
`boost::basic_regex >

::do_assign(char const*, char const*, unsigned int)'

undefined reference to
std::allocator > >,

std::allocator > > > >,
boost::regex_traits >

::construct_init(boost::basic_regex > >



Those are linker errors. The Boost regex library is not a header-only library like shared_ptr (for example) - you need to link against the .a or .lib or whatever binary library.

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