Monday, July 30, 2018

java - JSONObject.put(String) adds '' for each '/'

I'm just recogniced that this code:

try {
String jsonString =new JSONObject().put("test","Ha/llo").toString();
} catch (JSONException e) {


ouputs the following:

{"test":"Ha\ /llo"}

Does someone knows why it puts an \ for each / ? And how to get the real String?
My Strings i want to put are supposed to be big, so I dont want to search for \ to change it to ' '

Edit: .get decodes it again and removes the extra '\' in my case is was an server side problem.


It is escaping the / character automatically. When a valid JSON client parses your string, it should unescape it, resulting in no issues and the original text.
See JSON: why are forward slashes escaped?

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