Thursday, January 25, 2018

php - mysql_real_escape_string and search data in mySql DB

I have problem with php function : mysql_real_escape_string

My test string:

@,&!#$%^*()_+' "\/

I add this data to mySql database, like that (in short):

$str = mysql_real_escape_string($str);

$sql = "INSERT INTO table(company) VALUES('".$str. "')";

In DB is stored as:

@,&!#$%^*()_+\' \"\\/

But problem is with find this data by SELECT statement.

I want find, company where name is like

' "


SELECT company FROM table WHERE company LIKE '%\' "%';
SELECT company FROM table WHERE company LIKE '%\\' \\"%';
not working.

This works:

SELECT `company` FROM `table` WHERE `company` LIKE '%\\\' \\\\"%';


SELECT `company` FROM `table` WHERE `company` LIKE '%\\\\\\\' \\\\\\\"%'

But I dont know why this work :(.

My questions are:

  • why must add so many slashes ?

  • how I can make correct query in PHP:

$query = '\' "';
result is : '%\' \"%'

result is : '%\\\' \\\"%'


result is : '%\\\\\\\' \\\\\\\"%'

Only last one works good.

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