Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Using malloc in C to allocate space for a typedef'd type

I'm not sure exactly what I need to use as an argument to malloc to allocate space in the table_allocate(int) function. I was thinking just count_table* cTable = malloc(sizeof(count_table*)) , but that doesnt do anything with the size parameter. Am i supposed to allocate space for the list_node_t also? Below is what I am working with.

in the .h file I'm given this signature:

//create a count table struct and allocate space for it
//return it as a pointer
count_table_t* table_allocate(int);

Here are the structs that I'm supposed to use:

typedef struct list_node list_node_t;

struct list_node {
char *key;
int value;

//the next node in the list
list_node_t *next;

typedef struct count_table count_table_t;

struct count_table {
int size;
//an array of list_node pointers
list_node_t **list_array;


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