Wednesday, June 12, 2019

javascript - Multiple Regex validation for single value - alphanumeric with allowed special characters issue

Below is my regex for validating input name -starts with alphanumeric,allowed special characters.
It accepts "sample#@#@invalid" where am validating only allowed ()[].-_& characters.
where am doing wrong any help?

alert('Field name should be alphanumeric and allowed special characters _ . - [ ] ( ) &');
alert('Field name must start with an alphanumeric');


Instead of negating the test, use a regular expression that inverts the character class:


Since this isn't anchored, it will match any character outside the allowed set anywhere in the input text.

function validate() {
var inputText = document.getElementById("inputText").value;
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9\s)(\][._&-]/.test(inputText)) {
alert('Field name should be alphanumeric and alllowed special characters _ . - [ ] ( ) &');
if (/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(inputText)) {
alert('Field name must start with an alphanumeric');


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