There's a difference between pass-references-by-value and pass-values-by-reference :)
Is Java Pass By Reference
Java is never pass by reference right right
Pass By Reference Or Pass By Value
You might want to check out Jon Skeet's article on C# parameter-passing semantics as well, seeing as it's his favorite 'programmer ignorance' pet peeve:
What's your favorite 'programmer ignorance' pet peeve.
So basically, I see your code do the following:
c1 = new C("Alice");
// m1(C obj1) { -- c1 gets passed to m1, a copy of the reference is made.
// -- there are now two references to Alice (c1, obj1)
// obj1 = new C("Bob"); -- there is now one reference to Alice
// and one reference to Bob
// return obj1; -- returns a reference to Bob(c1 still reference Alice)
// } -- when m1 returns, one of the references to Alice disappears.
c2 = m1(c1); // c2 points to Bob
c3 = new C("Charlie");
c2 = c3; // <-- Bob is eligible for collection.
// There are now two references to Charlie
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