Monday, October 29, 2018

javascript - Entire JS inside one global variable?

I've got a school assignment of creating an app and one of the restrictions were that only one global variable was allowed, named "App". So I need to put the whole JS inside this variable.

I thought of doing something like:

App = function() { this.test = () => alert("test"); }

And then calling it with App.test().

But this doesn't work, the error I'm getting is:

Uncaught TypeError: App.test is not a function at HTMLLIElement.onclick (index.html:25)

Am I doing something wrong?


You need to define your app in a variable as an object and then you can use those members of the object such as:

// Object creation
window.App = {};

Then you add more properties like functions or variables and use it later inside of that variable.

window.App.test = function() {

window.App.variable = 'my variable';

console.log( App.test() );
console.log( App.variable );

Another thing is you can omit the word window from App.

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