Friday, August 24, 2018

r - Data Masking in Dataframe

  • I have a dataframe with 8 unique values


    1 ab
    2 cc
    3 cc
    4 dd
    5 ee
    6 ff
    7 ee
    8 ff
    9 ab
    10 dd

    11 gg
    12 1
    13 air

  • I create another dataframe holding 8 unique values that are to be used as replacements

    replacements<-data.frame(value=randomStrings(n=8, len=2, digits=FALSE,loweralpha=TRUE, unique=TRUE, check=TRUE))

    1 SJ
    2 fH
    3 TZ
    4 Mr
    5 oZ
    6 kZ
    7 fe
    8 ql

  • I want to replace all unique values from data dataframe with values in replacement dataframe in below way

All ab values replaced by SJ
All cc values replaced by fH
All dd values replaced by TZ
All ee values replaced by Mr
All ff values replaced by oZ
All gg values replaced by kZ
All 1 values replaced by fe
All air values replaced by ql

  • Currently, I am achieving this by:

    replacements<-data.frame(value=randomStrings(n=8, len=2, digits=FALSE,loweralpha=TRUE, unique=TRUE, check=TRUE))

    for(i in 1:length(unique(data$id))){
    data$id[data$id %in% data$id[i]] <- replacements$V1[i]

    1 SJ
    2 fH

    3 fH
    4 TZ
    5 Mr
    6 oZ
    7 Mr
    8 oZ
    9 SJ
    10 TZ
    11 kZ
    12 fe

    13 ql

  • Is there any base function in R to achieve? Is there better approach than this for masking data?

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