Friday, August 17, 2018

php - SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064?

What is the problem to the code? I cannot upload to database. It comes the message:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ACQUA'))' at line 2

query was:

SELECT `vals`.*, `opt`.* 
FROM `eav_attribute_option_value` AS `vals`
INNER JOIN `eav_attribute_option` AS `opt` ON opt.option_id = vals.option_id
WHERE (opt.attribute_id='191')
AND (vals.value in ('ALESSANDRO DELL'ACQUA'))

PHP Code:

* Adapted by Christopher Shennan
* Date: 20/04/2011
* Adaptered from original post by Srinigenie

* Original Post -

class Mage_Eav_Model_Import extends Mage_Eav_Model_Mysql4_Entity_Attribute {

private $fileName;
private $delimiter = '|';
private $enclosure = '"';

private function &getCsv() {
$file = fopen($this->fileName, "r");
while (!feof($file)) {
$csvArr[] = fgetcsv($file, 0, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure);

return $csvArr;

protected function populateOptionTable($attribId) {
echo "Upload Begin

$fields = array();
$values = array(); // store id => values
$optionValues = array(); // option id => $values
$option = array('value' => $optionValues);
$values = null;

$row = null;
$disCounter = 0;

$optionTable = $this->getTable('attribute_option');
$optionValueTable = $this->getTable('attribute_option_value');
$write = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
$csvStoreArr = array();

// Get CSV into Array
$csv = & $this->getCsv();

$read = $this->_getReadAdapter();

// exit if the csv file is empty or if it contains only the headers
if (count($csv) < 1 or count($csv) == 1)

$fields = $csv[0]; // get the field headers from first row of CSV
// get the store Ids
$stores = Mage::getModel('core/store')


// determine the stores for which option values are being uploaded for
foreach ($fields as $hdr) {
if ($hdr === 'position' || $hdr === 'isDefault' || $hdr === 'ERROR') {
foreach ($stores as $store) {

if ($store->getCode() === $hdr)
$csvStoreArr[$hdr] = $store->getId();

// start reading the option values - from row 1 (note that 0 represents headers)
for ($indx = 1; $indx < count($csv); $indx++) {
$values = null; // initialize to null
$row = $csv[$indx]; // get row

if (isset($row) && count($row) > 0) {

//escape the single quote
//$whereParam = $read->quote($row);

if (is_array($row))
$whereParam = '(\'' . implode($row, '\',\'') . '\')';
else if (strlen($row))
$whereParam = '(\'' . $row . '\')';

$select = $read->select()->from(array('vals' => $optionValueTable))
->join(array('opt' => $optionTable), 'opt.option_id=vals.option_id')
->where('opt.attribute_id=?', $attribId);
$select = $select
->where('vals.value in ' . $whereParam);

$optionValData = $read->fetchAll($select);


// get the option Id for this option
if (count($optionValData) > 0) {
$optionValDataRow = $optionValData[0];
$optionId = $optionValDataRow['option_id'];
} else
$optionId = null;

$intOptionId = (int) $optionId;

if (!$intOptionId) {
$data = array(
'attribute_id' => $attribId,
'sort_order' => isset($option['order'][$optionId]) ? $option['order'][$optionId] : 0,
try {
$write->insert($optionTable, $data);
$intOptionId = $write->lastInsertId();
} catch (Exception $e) {

} else {
$data = array(
'sort_order' => isset($option['order'][$optionId]) ? $option['order'][$optionId] : 0,
$write->update($optionTable, $data, $write->quoteInto('option_id=?', $intOptionId));

$colIndx = 0; //initialize row's column index
if (isset($row) && is_array($row) && count($row) > 0) {

foreach ($row as $optVal) {
if ($fields[$colIndx] !== 'position' || $fields[$colIndx] !== 'isDefault' || $fields[$colIndx] !== 'ERROR') {
$values[$csvStoreArr[$fields[$colIndx]]] = $optVal; // store id => option value

if (isset($values) && is_array($values) && count($values) > 0) {
foreach ($values as $storeId => $value) {
if (!empty($value) || strlen($value) > 0) {
$value = trim($value);
$data = array(
'option_id' => $intOptionId,
'store_id' => $storeId,
'value' => $value,
$optionValInsert = true;

$optionValUpdate = false;

foreach ($optionValData as $valData) {
if ((int) $valData['option_id'] === $intOptionId &&
(int) $valData['store_id'] === $storeId) {
$optionValInsert = false;
if (strcasecmp(trim($valData['value']), $value) !== 0) {
$optionValUpdate = true;
$updateOptionValId = $valData['value_id'];


if ($optionValInsert) {
$write->insert($optionValueTable, $data);
Mage::log('Inserted Value -' . $value);
} else if ($optionValUpdate) {
$write->update($optionValueTable, $data, $write->quoteInto('option_id=?', $updateOptionValId));
Mage::log('Updated Value -' . $value);

$optionValues[$optionId] = $values;

if ($indx % 20 == 0) {
echo "" . $indx . ' - uploaded!!
Mage::log($indx . ' - attributes uploaded!!', null, $this->fileName . '.log');

echo "" . $indx . ' - uploaded!!
echo ' Attribute Upload Finished
$option['value'] = $optionValues;
return null;

* Enter description here...

* @param Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object
* @return Mage_Eav_Model_Mysql4_Entity_Attribute
public function saveOptionValues($attributeId, $fn) {
$option = array();

$this->fileName = $fn;

echo 'Importing Attributes

Reading file contents - ' . $this->fileName . '

Mage::log("Upload Begin", null, $this->fileName . '.log');
// Step 1 -- Get attribute Id from attribute code
$atrribId = $attributeId; //569
// Step 2 Obtain the option values into an array
$option = $this->populateOptionTable($atrribId);


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