Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Can anyone explain my error from code blocks C++

I'm trying to create a classes in separate files using codeblocks. I get the error in function '_start' undefined reference to 'main'. I'm sure its a linkage problem but can't see where. In my program I’m trying to get a die, let the user decide how many sides the dice has, then roll the die a user specified amount of times.

die.h  file///////////////////////////////////

#ifndef DIE_H
#define DIE_H

using namespace std;

class die{


die();//function prototype

int numsides;//member
void setNumsides(int numsides_);//setter

int getNumsides();// getter for size of dice

int value;
void setValue(int value_, int numsides_);
int getValue();

int roll;
void setroll(int roll_);
int getroll();

#endif// DIE_H


#include "die.h"
#include /* srand, rand */

#include /* time */

using namespace std;


void die::setroll(int roll_)

int die::getroll()//amount o rolls
cout << "enter the ammont of rolls you would like" << endl;
cin >> roll;//amount of rolls you want

return roll;


void die::setValue(int value_, int numsides_)

int die::getValue()//get value function
//int roll;
value = (rand() % numsides) + 1;//sets roll value
return value;

void die::setNumsides(int numsides_)


int die::getNumsides()//get num of sides
cout << "how big of a dice would you like to roll " << endl;
cin >> numsides;//use this to determine dice

if(numsides < 4){//if dice is less than 4
cout << "Error has to be bigger than " << numsides << endl;
numsides = 6;//change to six sided dice

return numsides;

exercise1.cpp my main class/////////////////////////////////////

#include /* srand, rand */

#include "die.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
die mydice;//create an object dice

mydice.getNumsides();//gets sides of dice

mydice.getValue();//gets amount of rolls

mydice.getroll();//rolls the dice value times

return 0;

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