Monday, April 2, 2018

regex - Replace everything up to first string occurrence

I'm trying to perform a substitution of the everything up to and including the first occurrence of a string but am failing.

Say I have the following string:

one two three four five four three two one

I want to get

three four five four three two one

but with

sed 's/.*three//'

I end up with

two one 

I've tried other variations with .* -> (.*$) and (.*?) to no avail.

I've seen how to replace the first occurrence but not everything up to that first occurrence.


Since sed doesn't support lazy quantifier ?, you can use this sed:

echo "$s" | sed 's/.*two \(three\)/\1/'
three four five four three two one

OR using perl:

echo "$s" | perl -pe 's/.*?(three)/\1/'

three four five four three two one

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